IRHA Non Pro Derby Champions 2023
1 April 202301/04/2023 – 52 Combinations in total entered the finals of the IRHA- and IRHBA Non Pro Derby scheduled for last night in Cremona (ITA). The most successful entry was Italian Vittorio de Iulio with the 6-year-old stallion Mr Magic Chex [ARC Magic Enterprise]. In the preliminaries De Iulio had taken the lead by marking a 219,0, but in the finals he proved the horse still had some spare power left. Being the very last entry De Iulio not only claimed both the L4 IRHA- and L4 IRHBA Non Pro Derby Champion title by marking a 221,5, but also both the L3 IRHA- and L3 IRHBA Derby Champion title. Reserve honors in both L4 finals were for Czech Sara Karasova and the 8-year-old gelding KH Yankee Step [Rowdee Yankee] posting a 220,0; reserve honors in both L3 finals for German Stephanie Blessing and the 6-year-old mare Smart Spook Surprise [Smart Spook] posting a 216,5.
Both the IRHA- and IRHBA L2 finals were decided in a co-Championship between Belgian youth rider Jody Fonck and the 7-year-old gelding Smart Spooky Joe [Lil Joe Cash] and German Georgia Wilk and the 6-year-old mare Pretty Whiz Chic [Winnie The Boo], both posting a 216,0.
The IRHA L1 finals were decided in a co-Championship as well. Both Italian Sara Galimberti and the 7-year-old stallion Late Little Whiz [Walla Walla Whiz] and German Georg Wiedenhofer and the 7-year-old gelding Don Magnetic [Chic Magnetic] marked a 211,0. Wiedenhofer also claimed the IRHBA L1 Non Pro Reserve Champion title. Marking a 214,5 Italian Rebecca Sudati and the 7-year-old mare Gun Spark Hollywood [One Gun] claimed the title.
The Open finals are scheduled for today. You can follow the action live visiting www.andreabonaga.it. Visit www.irha.it for additional information.
©De Quarter Western Online
Photo: Jody Fonck (l) and Georgia Wilk (r). Photo: Andrea Bonaga, IT